Saturday, December 24, 2011

Twas the night before Christmas...

This Christmas-
Definitely different.
Definitely arrived quickly.

It seems almost dreary.
We haven't had any pretty snow, actually most days it has been in the mid 50's.
We are missing loved ones in our homes.
We haven't been able to buy everything on everyone's list.
We are experiencing real changes, not all that are positive.
It just doesn't feel like Christmas.

But while I could sit and be a negative Nancy this Christmas eve, I won't.
And actually, I have no real right or reason to be.
Even my lowest of lows are nothing compared to other's all around the world.
I've been truly blessed this year, and I'm sure most of you could say the same.

Luckily but often forgotten, there is more to this night than the snow scene that I crave outside my window.
More to this night than the presents under our tree, or that may not be under our tree.
More to this night than silly songs about the elderly being trampled by imaginary animals, and tracking Santa online until he gets to your country...

Tonight is the night that the best present ever given was on it's way to our lives, some 2000 odd years ago.
A present so priceless.
A present that would give me, so many others, and I'm pray all that are reading everlasting life.
A present that could not be wrapped and stuffed under a tree, or even fought over on Black Friday.

Thank you, Lord, for giving my unworthy self such a gift as Your Son.
Thank you for all the things I have under my tree, in my home, and in my heart this year.
Thank you for family, for friends, for Logan.
Thank you for food at my fingertips, cozy blankets on my bed, and a warm place I can call home (however large, small, or ever-changing it may be).
Thank you for love, for happiness, for laughter that filled my year.
Thank you for blessing us with exciting, irreplaceable gifts at Christmas- Your unconditional love, Your majestic story of Christmas, and Your beautiful reminders of compassion for Your children.


Contemplating Beauty said...

quite lovely post ! we don't have any snow either, and yes, how do we ever really thank our Savior? We humbly shall try,
and cute pic, love that little doggie, i have a bichon-poo

merry christmas!

... said...

So honest and real. Love that about you. I am having a rough Christmas this year but I am remembering that I have the greatest gift I could ever ask for...our Savior Jesus Christ! :) Merry Christmas girl!