Monday, September 19, 2011

{d.i.y--rosette bib necklace}

Here's a fun little, and I mean littttle, d.i.y. in inspiration of this necklace I saw on Etsy. Of course, mine is no where as "chic". Just a cute bib necklace inspired by my college's school colors :)

You will need:
Hot glue gun
A chain or ribbon
Pearls, gems, or sequels {optional}

Let's get started...
-Start making fabric rosettes. You can make them small or large, thick or thin, and out of different fabrics. {Above is the step by step way to make these cute fabric roses.}

-Place your rosettes in the shape you want them to be on your necklace.
-Glue them to the a piece of felt {I suggest you match it to the necklace's colors.}
-Trim off the excess felt, to the point where you only have  felt behind your rosettes {From the front, no felt should be visable.}
-Add a ribbon or chain for around the neck, then glam it up with rhinestones or pearls {any way you do it... make it fab!}
-Last, but not least, pair it with a cute outfit and work that baby! {I made mine in my school colors-- can't wait to wear it to a football game!}

1 comment:

Candice said...

Hi Tori!
I just found your lovely blog! :)
This is such a cute idea; I've been wanting to make one of those for the longest time after seeing so many of them on pinterest and such! Thanks for the tutorial! Love it!