Friday, August 10, 2012

it's my birthday!

Well, actually, yesterday was... but I'm late at blogging (as per usual).

I've basically celebrated all week: 
**Monday at Nama with my girlfriends
**Tuesday by hitting my goal with Stella and Dot (while earning $550 in free jewels for me!)
**Yesterday with my fam, my love, and a large piece of strawberry cake (again, as per usual)
**...and today with a manicure and lots of friends (we have a leader retreat this weekend at church).

I have gotten my cake, and I ate a dang whole lot of it, too!

Hope you all have a happy weekend!

PS- Wondering about the random mirror pic? It's the first picture of my 19 year old self... Made sense to me.

1 comment:

Kasey Lynne said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!