Thursday, January 12, 2012


We all do it.
Some more frequently than others...

It is something I struggle with.
I love the Lord. I have faith in Him.
I know He provides for His children. I've seen it been done in my life SO many times in the life of my family.

But it's times like these...
When I'm in a good place in my walk.
When everything seems to be in place.
When classes are starting back in a couple of days and I go online to confirm my classes, and... Oh. I suddenly have a $639 gap in my account...
$639 I need to come up with by Thursday! Or if I'm lucky, the school will give me 30 more days to find the money.

I know it is God's will for me to be at my school.
It's a Christian school.
I'm plugged in.
I love my classes, my peers, my professors.
I'm involved with Young Life through my school.
And the list goes on...

I'm praying for a miracle. My God is a miracle worker.
I pray that I will keep my faith.
I pray that I will not worry, for I'm instructed to do so... {Matthew 6:25-27}

I'm writing this in the moment.
I can't wait to tell you guys the outcome of this problem.
Although I don't know it yet...
I pray that God is going to use this situation to remind me He provides, remind me He is ever present in times of trouble, and remind YOU that He IS alive and well and working all around.

{Update: Exactly TWO HOURS after I wrote this, God made a big move! Momma and I remembered of a old family friend in our church that runs a scholarship fund through his Sunday school class. Momma called him and explained what was going on and he immediately stopped her in her sentence and said, "Just come on down to the Sunday school class on Sunday and we will write you a check for the six hundred and odd that you need." Praise the Lord!
I'm telling' y'all what, I was so humbled by this experience and I was really taught about just how great my God is. I was saying over and over... Two days... That's all He has to work, I don't know how this is going to work out! But oh no, He worked in TWO HOURS!!}

I usually don't get this personal on the blog, but I really think this will be a lesson to others, like I, that worry and have anxiety.
We are instructed very clearly to not worry in God's word...

Matthew 6:25-27
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear? Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; They do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"

The theme of the day{and everyday}- God provides for His children.



Melody Holmes said...

That it awesome!! What a great testimony of God's provision! Glad you shared this story :)


... said...

Wow. What an incredible example of God working in our lives for our good :)

bnfunky said...

Wow. That is so cool. Thank you for sharing :) God is so faithful!!!

Unknown said...

This is awesome! I have to share with you that pretty much the exact same thing happened with my sister. She goes to ORU and had to have her balance for this semester paid before she left for winter break. There was no where we could get the money from for her. Her and my mom prayed together asking God for a Money miracle, and just like you not an hour or two later, someone offered to completely clear her balance for her. God is so good!!

The Acorn said...

I think in many ways we all forget how completely God provides for us. It is so nice to be reminded to lean on Him in our hour of need!

Unknown said...

Worrying is like a rocking chair it gives us something to do but doesn't get us anywhere..Thank you for this post. I really enjoyed it. I am a new follower to your blog. I look forward to following along more.

Gaby said...

Wow, what a beautiful story!