Monday, December 5, 2011

Busting Fashion Myths>> Horizontal Stripes

It's all about looking slim. Wearing dark tones, wearing earrings larger than a quarter, wearing sky-high heels- face it... we all have our tricks.
And then there are things we have been taught to stay away from. One being horizontal stripes. 
We've all heard that horizontal stripes add pounds to our precious figures, but how true is that? Not. At. All! 
Stripes are daring. They are bold and fearless. They attract attention. Really, they are quite harmless.

My Do's & Dont's for Stripes:
Do wear thicker stripes if you want a smoothing effect or if you are curvy.
Don't wear too many stripes at one time. Try to keep it down to only on or two striped items per outfit.
Do wear stripes with solid colors. The biggest key to flattering stripes is to keep it under control and tone them down.
Don't wear more than 4 colors of stripes at a time. Unless you are 6, this isn't flattering.

So where are you going to strut your stripes?


... said...

I am loving stripes right now!! :) and plaid!

The Green Raybans said...

Just found our lovely blog! Definitely following you! If you have time check out our blog!!xx

Anonymous said...

Love the stripes.

Come check out my Shabby Apple dress giveaway! Perfect for all those holiday parties.

Jeanine Byers said...

Awesome collage and great advice! I tend to avoid horizontal stripes, myself, but will keep your tips in mind in case something irresistable comes along.

Just followed you here from WIWW.

My WIWW Post

Elissa said...

I love stripes.
Usually black with anything but white.

marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

this is great it's I've seen so many flattering horizontals lately I'd love you to link this up to my what we wore party over at