Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I found this nail look on Pinterest and I've been drooling and dying to try it. So... tah-dah! Here it is! 
{It's embarrassing that I had to take 32 pictures and this is the best I've got... Nail photography is rough!}
Anyway, I used these 2, uber cheap, polishes: Rimmel 270 "Steel Grey" and Sinful Colors 923 "Queen of Beauty"
Of course, the picture doesn't do it justice, but trust me, it's fab! {If I do say so myself}


ashley marie wilson said...

i like it!!! its unique!!! love the colors. really like your blog too!!! :) glad to have stumbled onto it!

Sarah @ 90 Percent Blonde... said...

I just came across your blog and I love it! Can't wait to read more!!

Sarah @ 90percentblonde.blogspot.com