There is a certain question that begins to take over my mind every year at this time. "What will I wear for the first day back?" Now, this is where I will differentiate from most college students- I love to dress up for class! At my high school, all the girls wore heels daily, no big deal. So I got in the habit- and can't go back... I just feel so much better about everything when I'm "done up." {That will probably change after I get into the "college kid" mind set, but for now...} But anyway, finding an outfit that is cute and pretty, and makes a good first impression- without being dressed for church- is going to be hard for me, going to college and all...
Here are some outfits I put together {trying to keep several types of style in mind} in hopes that I can help you out, get your inspiration flowing, if you will, on what you will wear too! {You'll be surprised when you realize that you have very similar outfits hiding in your wardrobe right now!}
This one's for you girly girls. The girls that find themselves wearing lots of pink, bows, and make-up. This outfit is totally sweet without being frilly or "too much". {and not to mention, it looks super comfy!}
I think this look really has a "vintage-y" look to it. With the long skirt and the sweater- it reminds me of something Sandy would have worn in the movie, Grease. It's pretty, preppy, but the glitter nail polish really gives it a fun, modern punch.
Even though it'd probably be the one I'd least likely wear- I'm obsessed with this look! I love everything about the boho tribal trend going on for fall. {and personally, I'm a fan of black and brown... how's with me?}
Okay- this is my dream back to school outfit. It's the perfect mix of classy and trendy {with the amazing giant ring!} and what about that lace blazer?! Oh.Em.Gee!! {HAHA!} Also, jade is a huge color for Fall, too!
Good luck to everyone on the first days back to campus!