I hope everyone had a super fun Memorial day weekend. Mine was super busy, but super enjoyable.
We headed to Nashville for Ivy's wedding this weekend. It was the cutest, Pinterest-y wedding I've ever seen. It was at the Hermitage and it was so beautiful. Absolutely worth the trip :)
I wore my new dress from Banana Republic and it was perfect. Light and pretty spring hues. Loved it. It was my first Banana purchase, ya know.

After the wedding brother, mom, and I had a special tour of the Pinnacle and the in's and out's of downtown Nashville. It was super great. We got to see the city from the top of the Pinnacle and it was one of the most breath-taking sights (I can't decide if it was because it was beautiful or because I'm sorta afraid of heights!)
On Monday, Logan and I decided we would head to the mountains for the 2 most American things: Bass Pro Shop and baseball!
We browsed around and I found this "Dolly Lolly" at a candy store beside Bass Pro... I snatched it up quickly because I used to eat these all the time when we'd go camping in the mountains when I was little. It seemed a little more weird eating it this time than I remembered it to be ;)
Speaking of Dolly- did anyone else see where the Bachelorette went to Dollywood on Monday?! I will be the first to admit I'm not too much of an Emily fan but I have a special kind of liking for her now that I know she loves her some Dolly!
Anyway, We had a blast at the game. It was warm weather but in the shade it was so enjoyable. And speaking of good eats... Am I the only person that was surprised to find these old time favs being sold at the game? I haven't seen these in ages!
But enough rambling!
I have nothing planned for this week and I'm thrilled. I can't wait to sleep in some!
Tonight I'm cuddlin' up with my love and watching a movie. I
Tonight I'm cuddlin' up with my love and watching a movie. I
Also this week I'm expecting my June Julep box! Too excited for a certain color in there! I'm thinking about doing a vlog on that. What do y'all think about vlogs- weird or cool?
Talk to y'all soon.