I'm not going to lie.
Lately I've had no very little desire to blog.
I've been swamped lately with paper. It's just no fun.
But this weekend Logan finally had some free time, so I opened my schedule every now and then for him ;)
So here is some random, somewhat-of-an-update on my life.
Okay. Have y'all ever heard of Duck Dynasty?
Holy heck. This show is amazing.
Logan introduced me to it on Friday night... (We watched hours of it!)
It's the funniest little show about this family that invented some sort of special duck call and now they are billionaires. I am in love with it. You should be too.
Logan and I went to a Smokies baseball game on Saturday night.
I love being able to treat him to things he enjoys.
It was nice to have some time to ourselves after a busy week, but my goodness was it cold!
What is up with the weather?! My Papaw blames it on the end of the world. "Are you ready, Tori Grace?", he says :)
I'm getting super excited for a couple reasons.
1. Summer break is less than 10 days away. And I'm SO ready.
2. Girl's Retreat is this weekend. A couple of friends and I are leaders and I just know that God is going to do some wonderful things in our hearts. I can't wait to be in a cabin in the beautiful mountains celebrating the greatness of being a daughter of the King!
3. It's almost the 25th, and that means it's almost time for a new Julep box! I can't wait to share all the new treats with y'all. Are you a Julep Maven? You should be! Click {here} to take the quiz and find out {here} what all the rave is about. (If you take the quiz in the link above and decide to join-- use this coupon: APRILINTRO and you will get your box for ONE PENNY!)
Love y'all