I got this idea from the oh-so-wonderful, Casey Wiegand...
I am weird because...
I eat my pizza in two parts. {First the toppings and cheese, then the bread}
I love to planplanplan, but I'm constantly late... for everything.
I'm afraid to dye my hair brown.
I cry watching weddings. {Even the ones on TV...}
I am a bad friend because...
I'm a homebody.
I back out of plans.
I get involved too often.
I speak too much.
I am a good friend because...
I would go to bat for any of my friends.
I'm loyal.
I'm loving.
I want the best for everyone.
I am sad because...
Life doesn't always go like I plan.
I want Logan to be worry-free.
I want more than the best for my little brothers and momma.
I am happy because...
Life doesn't always go like I plan.
The town's Christmas lights are up!
I have my Young Life interview tomorrow. {Less than ONE week until placement!}
God is working all around me, and I can feel Him close.
My little brothers have birthdays this month.
I am excited for...
The blog growing.
Young Life placement.
Getting a Erin Condren planner for Christmas.
A new year.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Currently Listening To...
The holidays have officially begun!
Gotta love Boyz 2 Men.
{scroll down to the bottom of the page to turn off playlist}
Gotta love Boyz 2 Men.
{scroll down to the bottom of the page to turn off playlist}
Monday, November 28, 2011
Busting Fashion Myths>> White After Labor Day
Who said black couldn't be worn with blue? And who said that horizontal stripes make you look heavy? And what about the real dummy that said that we aren't allowed to wear white after Labor day? Seriously?!
Well today, I'm starting a new segment to prove all those stupid rules to be lies!
First up...
Okay... I've always ignored this rule, but I've heard of some people that really obey it like the law.
So ridiculous, if you ask me...
and you are :)
Chanel, Alexander McQueen, and Yves Saint Laurent had "winter white" are covering the runways with this blank, bright, and beautiful shade. Of course, a white linen dress isn't the best decision for those 40-something days. Here are some rules to help you conquer white this winter.
1. Stay away from lightweight fabrics. Like I said before, white linen may not be the best decision for the winter weather, but find your white in a thick knit sweater, or maybe a white fur scarf!
2. Avoid wearing white from head to toe after summer ends. Although your all white outfits may have looked super stylish and fresh in June, no one wants to blend in with the snow! Stand out by balancing out your outfit with a dark wash jean, or maybe a holiday red touch.
3. Try off-white hues. You can still achieve the same bright glory by using similar tones. A light cream colored coat will provide the same effect in a more subtle way.
4. Accessorize! Adding accessories to your winter white can really help bring your outfit into season. Adding a sparkly belt or a bright scarf can not only pull your outfit together, but stay away from the "I'm wearing summer clothes in the winter" look.
5. Wear it with confidence. Rules or no rules- always know the best way to look good in a trend is to be confident!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Established in...
Even though I have only been blogging just over a half of a year, I already find myself falling short.
Just slapping a little something together, just so I can say I posted today.
Writing, emotion-less, like a robo-girl.
Well, I refuse.
From now on, I will be selective. I will be picky.
I will only post things that make my heart skip a beat. Things I'm in love with, not in like with.
If you don't hear from me for a couple days, you must understand and forgive.
I feel like if I'm nothing but obsessed with the things I post, you guys will be too. And if not, oh well. There are many other blogs out there, and at least I was inspired ;)
I want to establish my blog, my brand. I want someone to look at my post and say, "Oh, that's so Tori!"
& it will only take lots and lots of time.
& I'm so so willing.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Full of Thanks >>
With today being Thanksgiving and all, I thought it was only appropriate that I list a very small list of all the things I've been blessed with.
6. The Editorial. I don't think you guys will ever understand just how much this blog and all my readers mean to me! You guys and your sweet sweet comments get me through the rainy days. I've gained so many great friendships through this little space on the internet and I'll forever be changed by this experience... and the best part? I feel like it's just getting started!
>> For those of you joining me from Follower's Fest- I'm so excited to have you! Thanks for clicking on my little blog and stopping by! Please say you will follow, either by GFC or at the top of the navigation bar... It would make this holiday season even sweeter! :)
This year I'm thankful for...
1. My family. Thank the Lord I've been given such an awesome family that loves me unconditionally!
Although my brothers and I fight like cats and dogs, those boys have been the best friends I could ever ask for. They are such great men. Tyler is too talented. He has such a wonderful voice and he amazes me with his ability to learn songs on the guitar in seconds! Trey, well he is just Trey. He is so "cool". He has such a hilarious sense of humor that gets me every time. He is such a good kid, and so smart too!
And my mother, oh what a joy she is! I've just gotten to the age this year where I actually love to be around her. I appreciate her now, more that I ever have. She is beautiful, sings like an angel, and is oh so witty. She seriously is the best mom, better than I'll ever be. When I grow up, I want to be just like her.
2. Logan. This is my 2nd year with him by my side and I couldn't imagine it anyother way, nor would I want to. Logan is the perfect mix of bravery, southern-ness, strength, and gentleness. I love the fact that he is friends with just about our whole town. My heart still melts every time I see him. He is so wonderful and I'm so thankful for my relationship with him.
3. The fun things. God has let me be apart of so many great Christian organizations this year. Summer camps like Kanakuk and JR. Camp, and the fact that I will be placed as an official YoungLife leader before Christmas! I'm so thankful that I've found multiple places where I can be a light for Christ- and hang out with awesome kids at the same time!
4. Friends. I've made new ones, had old ones move closer, lost some, and grown closer with some. My friends have been such sacred things to me. With the last days of high school, a lot of people showed their true colors, and sadly, friendships came to an end. But luckily, my real friends were still there. Nothing is better than knowing you've got a handful of people that will always be there to make you laugh, to sit with you when you cry, and be by your side to do really stupid things while making memories.
4. Friends. I've made new ones, had old ones move closer, lost some, and grown closer with some. My friends have been such sacred things to me. With the last days of high school, a lot of people showed their true colors, and sadly, friendships came to an end. But luckily, my real friends were still there. Nothing is better than knowing you've got a handful of people that will always be there to make you laugh, to sit with you when you cry, and be by your side to do really stupid things while making memories.
5. Ch-ch-ch-changes. There were a lot of "lasts" this year. Last prom, last day of high school, last football game, last school newspaper that I will be listed as "editor-in-chief". But there were so many great firsts, too. First day of college, first time being a camp counselor, first time blogging, first time being sent stuff by sweet ol' readers. I love the fact that my life has seen so much change this year, and how great the change was!
What are y'all thankful for this year? If you did a Thanksgiving post- send me the link!
Sending sweet wishes your way to start off this holiday season.
Sending sweet wishes your way to start off this holiday season.
Happy Turkey Day, y'all!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
{Hometown Girls: Taylor from The Presutti's}
Now this project can be simply tweaked.
As you can put chalkboard on almost anything or anywhere.
Here is what you need for the Chalkboard Window.
*Paper Towels
*Painter's Tape
*A window
*Chalkboard Paint
*Paint Tray
*Paintbrush (a foam brush is best)
*Paint opener (you can improvise)
*Stirring Stick (not really needed)
Now you can get a window almost anywhere.
Local antique store, yard sale, Goodwill, thrift store, Craigslist (which is where I got mine), side of the road.
Start off by spraying the window with Windex and make sure to wipe all the dirt off.
My window needed to coats of Windex cleaning
Tape off the window with painter's tape
Should look like this when completed.
Here is the Chalkboard Paint I got. I got it from Lowe's in the spray paint aisle.
Pour a small amount in a paint pan.
Start painting. This is after the first coat. Mine needed 4 coats. If using a window, you can look through the backside to see if it will need any additional coats.
Finished product. After 4 coats.
*Make sure to let tape sit until all coats are dry.
*Be very careful when pulling away tape, as glass is slick, and the chalkboard can come off easily if not careful.
*If it does start to peel, be gentle and separate it from tape. Trying to save as much a possible.
*Add additional coats over the damaged area as needed.
This happened to me.
Myself very happy with my completed project.
I can't wait to put this up in our home.
I'm going to put it up in our kitchen and use it as a weekly Menu!
It's such a simple project and it doesn't take a long time either.
It is super fun and cute!
So, go try it!!!
Remember there is so much you can do with chalkboard paint!!!
Thanks for letting me share with you!
Please come visit my blog The Presutti's
Friday, November 18, 2011
Up, up, and away!
Hey everyone! Just wanted to update y'all a little bit today on what's going on around my neck of the woods!
-Momma and I left this morning for our little getaway! My first plane ride... it was interesting. Almost don't like that I have to get back on a flight to come home {Not too fond of flying... I guess I wasn't a bird in any of my past lives}I plan on taking lots and lots of pictures to share with y'all!
-Wishing big-little brother good luck this weekend. He is taking part in a
huge huge huge deal choir concert. {I know he'll do great, no luck needed}
-Also, Logan {boyfriend} and my little-little brother are traveling this weekend to Beta club convention {Logan to chaperone with the school he works at and brother is going with his school} Praying for safe travels and lots of fun for them.
-Oh and I've been posting {here} and {here} this week. Go check it out!

-Wishing big-little brother good luck this weekend. He is taking part in a
huge huge huge deal choir concert. {I know he'll do great, no luck needed}
-Also, Logan {boyfriend} and my little-little brother are traveling this weekend to Beta club convention {Logan to chaperone with the school he works at and brother is going with his school} Praying for safe travels and lots of fun for them.
-Oh and I've been posting {here} and {here} this week. Go check it out!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Shirt- Ralph Lauren Polo
Skirt- Forever 21
Tights- Kohls Vera Wang
Socks- Forever 21
Boots- TJ Maxx
Earrings- Momma's jewelry box ;)
Pictures taken by my lovely, oh-so-talented, best friend, Jillian. Go check her out {here}
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
in the valley.
Why does it seem that when life has us down, the devil continues to kick the heck out of us, and we are left- alone, bruised, deeply wounded. And it doesn't just happen to bad people, in fact, it seems to happen to some of the best people?
I've had some really sad and unfortunate events happening around me. Not directly affecting me, but it's so close, it might as well be. So close, it's affecting my heart. It's throbbing in pain for loved ones around me.
I don't think I will ever understand why bad things happen to good, genuine people?
I know that God makes all things work together for those that love Him {Roman 8:28} but I guess its just a thing I won't understand until He can explain it to me in Heaven, among many many other things.
But, let me tell you what I do know. I've found that in my lowest of lows, the darkest, deepest valleys... God is the closest. Maybe it's because I have a clear heart. Broken and empty. And just when I think I have nothing, He shows me that is exactly right...
I have nothing.
God has shown Himself to me and my family in the hardest of times. Providing rent, electricity, and food on the table. Events, that are truly miracles- there are no other explanations, no other ways.
So when you think that things can't get any worse, think of a life without God.
Keep your eyes, ears, and hearts open. I'm praying that He shows you just how much he has blessed you with this Holiday season.
And to those of you that are in that valley-
Things are going to get better. Pray that God reveals himself to you in the midst of your trouble. But do your part, too. Be faithful. Love Him. Remember all the small things and the people that love you and cling to them. You're going to get through this.
I've had some really sad and unfortunate events happening around me. Not directly affecting me, but it's so close, it might as well be. So close, it's affecting my heart. It's throbbing in pain for loved ones around me.
I don't think I will ever understand why bad things happen to good, genuine people?
I know that God makes all things work together for those that love Him {Roman 8:28} but I guess its just a thing I won't understand until He can explain it to me in Heaven, among many many other things.
But, let me tell you what I do know. I've found that in my lowest of lows, the darkest, deepest valleys... God is the closest. Maybe it's because I have a clear heart. Broken and empty. And just when I think I have nothing, He shows me that is exactly right...
I have nothing.
God has shown Himself to me and my family in the hardest of times. Providing rent, electricity, and food on the table. Events, that are truly miracles- there are no other explanations, no other ways.
So when you think that things can't get any worse, think of a life without God.
Without a Father that knows the exact number of hairs on your head.
Without a Father that has molded you into a beautiful creation inside of you mother's womb and plotted out a wonderful life unique just for you.
Without a father that is continuously pursuing you, wanting to be the true love of your heart.
Without a father that is continuously pursuing you, wanting to be the true love of your heart.
Without a Father that can reveal Himself to you in the most intimate ways.
And to those of you that are in that valley-
Things are going to get better. Pray that God reveals himself to you in the midst of your trouble. But do your part, too. Be faithful. Love Him. Remember all the small things and the people that love you and cling to them. You're going to get through this.
Monday, November 14, 2011
a couple hallelujah{s}
1. Registration for next semester is D.O.N.E. & these two girls {the best friend and I} have TWO classes together. I smell trouble :)
2. The Trojans {little brother's high-school football team} won their game on Friday night! Onward to third round of play-offs this Friday! Yay yay yay for my alma mater!
3. Mommy and I leave for our girl's getaway in 3 days! Soft sandy beaches, warm weather, and girly activities {shopping, a wedding, and more shopping} here we come!!
4. I was approached to be featured on one of my favvv blogs ever. I'm so excited for it to be posted I can't stand it!!
5. 22 days til the semester is over. Shut the front door! My first semester of college is basically over! I feel so accomplished, intelligent, and tired :)
6. Breakfast this morning- Pumpkin Spice Donut. I die...
2. The Trojans {little brother's high-school football team} won their game on Friday night! Onward to third round of play-offs this Friday! Yay yay yay for my alma mater!
3. Mommy and I leave for our girl's getaway in 3 days! Soft sandy beaches, warm weather, and girly activities {shopping, a wedding, and more shopping} here we come!!
4. I was approached to be featured on one of my favvv blogs ever. I'm so excited for it to be posted I can't stand it!!
5. 22 days til the semester is over. Shut the front door! My first semester of college is basically over! I feel so accomplished, intelligent, and tired :)
6. Breakfast this morning- Pumpkin Spice Donut. I die...
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Wow- It's been a good while since I've done a Friday Favorites post!
Speaking of posts, sorry for the lack of them. It's been a busy week.
Anyway---- Here we go!
Speaking of posts, sorry for the lack of them. It's been a busy week.
Anyway---- Here we go!
This print:
This holiday decor DIY:
Is is too early for these Christmas nails?
Two things about this last picture from the CMA awards this week:
1. I love that Faith Hill is coming back out!
2. Isn't this dress so killer?!
Winner of the Design Software Giveaway:
Melody Holmes!
Thanks to all of you that read daily. You make my life so much more fun!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
{Hometown Girls: Ivy from A Vintage Girl}
I've really been wanting to do a little segment on my hometown girls that blog... So first up is Ivy! We've grown up together and our moms are BFF. She is a beautiful girl with a vintage heart. So without further adieu...
Hey y’all! Ivy here from A Vintage Girl. The lovely Tori asked me to guest post on her blog, and I’m so excited to do it! Tori and I go way back. We lived in the same town when we were younger, attended church together and our families have been friends for ages. I love looking at blogs, and when I found out that Tori had one, I had to check it out, and I’m now a regular visitor. Love it!
Hey y’all! Ivy here from A Vintage Girl. The lovely Tori asked me to guest post on her blog, and I’m so excited to do it! Tori and I go way back. We lived in the same town when we were younger, attended church together and our families have been friends for ages. I love looking at blogs, and when I found out that Tori had one, I had to check it out, and I’m now a regular visitor. Love it!
I didn’t know what I wanted to write about when she asked me at first. On my blog, I write mostly about cooking, crafts, gardening, the small things in life, etc. I definitely wanted to write something good, so I decided to focus on a topic that I’ve become very interested in.
Homemade and homegrown items. I’ve always been interested in them, but it was only until I graduated from college and had a little downtime pre-job that I really focused on this enjoyment of mine. This summer I took full advantage of the farmers’ market and other fruit and vegetable stands here in my tiny Middle Tennessee town. I was all about canning, freezing and frying/cooking with my fresh bought food. Now that the colder season is swiftly approaching and the farmers’ markets are packing up for the season, I decided to try my hand at making a homemade cleaner.
This all purpose cleaner I’m speaking of is simple, yet effective. It only contains a few ingredients: castile soap, washing soda, white vinegar and water. It left my kitchen counter sparkly and with a fresh peppermint smell! The most expensive item I purchased was the castile soap, but it only takes ½ a teaspoon from the huge container. So, not only will this be beneficial to keeping my house clean and fresh-smelling, it is very cost-effective! To get my recipe for the all purpose cleaner, go to Macheesmo.
So, what about you? Do you have a homemade or homegrown item that you can’t get enough of? Check out my blog A Vintage Girl to learn more about me and my world of crafting, sewing, cooking, gardening, life and love from a small town girl. Thanks again, Tori! :)
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